ContentsIntroductionKey checklist for candidates and partiesGlossarySection 1: General informationSection 2: Registration of candidatesSection 3: Nomination as a candidate – general informationSection 4: Nomination as a candidate – Legislative AssemblySection 5: Legislative Assembly ballot paperSection 6: Compulsory enrolmentSection 7: Copies of the list of electors to candidatesSection 8:Political donationsSection 9: Electoral expenditureSection 10: Campaign accounts and record keepingSection 11: Disclosure of political donations and electoral expenditureSection 12: Electoral materialSection 13: VotingSection 14: Assistance to voteSection 15: Ballot papers – formality guidelinesSection 16: Legislative Assembly – voting and countingSection 17: ScrutineersSection 18: Party and/or candidate workersSection 19: Public funding of election campaignsSection 20: Allegations and offencesSection 21: Raising concerns about the conduct of the election and suggestions for future improvement