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Legislative Assembly ballot paper

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Candidate's name on the ballot paper

A candidate’s surname will appear on the ballot paper spelled exactly as enrolled.

Candidates are permitted to have their given name appear on the ballot paper as follows:

  • the name (or names) in full

  • an initial standing for that given name

  • a commonly accepted variation of that given name, including an abbreviation or truncation (for example, Ally for Alison, Bob for Robert, and more)

  • candidates with hyphenated given names will appear as they are enrolled unless they request only one of those given names be shown, or

  • a commonly used other name specific to the candidate by which the candidate is usually identified. In this case the Electoral Commissioner must be satisfied that the candidate is usually identified by the proposed name. In such cases this commonly used other name will appear in brackets on the ballot paper e.g. SMITH, Greg (Curly).

No titles, such as Dr for Doctor or JP for Justice of the Peace, or honorifics, are permitted on the ballot paper.

Candidates nominated by a registered political party

Legislative Assembly candidates nominated by registered political parties will have the registered name of the party (or its registered abbreviation) printed on the ballot paper below their name.

Candidates nominated by 25 electors

Legislative Assembly candidates nominated by 25 electors enrolled in the district may choose to have either the word ‘Independent’ printed below their name on the ballot paper, or nothing printed below their name on the ballot paper. The preferred format must be indicated on the nomination form.

Ballot paper draw

The draw to determine the order of candidates’ names on the ballot paper for the Legislative Assembly district will commence at the Election Manager’s office the day after the close of nominations. Details about the ballot paper draw location and time will be published on the NSW Electoral Commission website.

Candidates or their representatives, registered political parties, media and members of the public are welcome to attend the draw.

Sample Legislative Assembly ballot paper layout

A sample of a Legislative Assembly ballot paper appears below.

Please note the actual ballot paper may vary in format to the sample below. A copy of the actual ballot paper to assist candidates and registered political parties in preparing election material (how to vote cards) will be available on the NSW Electoral Commission website the day following the ballot paper draw.