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Confirm and update registered details of a third-party lobbyist

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What are the key dates?

The responsible officer of a registered third-party lobbyist must confirm three times a year that the information in the Lobbyist Register pertaining to the third-party lobbyist is up-to date, on:

  • 31 January
  • 31 May 
  • 30 September 

See clause 5(2) of the Lobbying of Government Officials (Lobbyists Code of Conduct) Regulation 2014 for more information.       

The upcoming confirmation of details due dates are:

Confirmation of details due date        

Confirmation of details lodgement period

30 September 2024

23 September 2024 to 30 September 2024

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31 January 2025

24 January 2025 to 31 January 2025

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31 May 2025

 23 May 2025 to 31 May 2025

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Confirm information in the Lobbyist Register is up-to-date

To confirm the information in the Lobbyist Register is up-to-date, a responsible officer must log into the Lobbyist Online Portal to check the registered details of the third-party lobbyist are up-to-date, and then submit the confirmation of lobbyist registration details form to confirm the registered details of the third-party lobbyist are up-to-date.

Confirmation forms are sent by email to the responsible officer a week before each deadline and are made available on the NSW Electoral Commission website. The responsible officer uses the form to confirm that they have reviewed the registered details of the third-party lobbyist and has updated those details, if required. Submit the completed form to the NSW Electoral Commission by email to lobbyists@elections.nsw.gov.au.

The NSW Electoral Commission may cancel or suspend the registration of a third-party lobbyist if the responsible officer has not confirmed the registered details of the lobbyist are up-to-date.

Update registered details of a third-party lobbyist

The responsible officer of a registered third-party lobbyist must update the information in the Lobbyist Register within ten business days of a change occurring. This includes changes to:

  • the name or business contact details of the lobbyist

  • the names of individuals engaged to undertake lobbying for the lobbyist (“employees”)

  • the names of people who have a management, financial or other interest in the lobbyist (“owners”)

  • the names of third parties (“clients”), if any, who have retained the lobbyist to provide, or for whom the lobbyist has provided, lobbying services (whether paid or unpaid; directly or indirectly, that is, “clients of clients”), including information about those clients who are foreign principals

  • the date a third party (“client”) ceased to be a third party of the registered lobbyist.

The responsible officer must log into the Lobbyist Online Portal to update the registered details of the lobbyist and clients.

The NSW Electoral Commission may cancel or suspend the registration of a lobbyist if the register is not updated within 10 business days of a change.