Funding and disclosure
Political donations
arrow_forwardLearn about who is responsible for the management and disclosure of political donations and electoral expenditure, and the requirements for political donations.
Electoral expenditure
arrow_forwardLearn about what is and is not electoral expenditure, and the caps that apply to parties and candidates.
Campaign accounts and record keeping
arrow_forwardLearn about operating a campaign account and keeping records of political donations and electoral expenditure.
Disclosure of political donations and electoral expenditure
arrow_forwardView the disclosure requirements for a state-by election and learn how to make disclosures.
Public funding of election campaigns
arrow_forwardCandidates for state elections may be eligible to be reimbursed for certain electoral expenditure. Learn more about public funding.
Allegations and offences
arrow_forwardAll parties, candidates, their helpers and scrutineers must comply with the Electoral Act and the Electoral Funding Act.
Raising concerns about the conduct of the election and suggestions for future improvement
arrow_forwardFind out how to raise concerns about the conduct of the election and provide suggestions.