absent vote
A vote made at a voting centre/polling place by an elector who is outside his or her own electoral district on election day.
absolute majority
More than 50 per cent of the total formal votes (50% + 1)
Australian Electoral Commission (AEC)
The independent statutory authority that maintains and update the Commonwealth electoral roll and conducts federal elections and referendums. Visit the Australian Electoral Commission website.
authorised roll
The roll of electors prepared for a district for use at polling places/voting centres at a State election or by-election.
A method of secret voting, normally in a written form.
ballot box
The sealed container where electors place their completed ballot papers.
ballot paper
The paper printed with the names of candidates, which a voter marks to record their vote in an election.
An election held to fill a casual vacancy, usually caused by retirement, death or resignation of the member for a district, ward or council area. Takes place other than at a general election (State) or ordinary election (council).
A person who stands for election to a parliament/council. Candidates can be nominated by political parties or stand as independents. To read more about candidates, go to Candidates and groups.
casual vacancy
A vacancy usually caused by retirement, death or resignation of a Member/Councillor.
check count
On the Sunday after election day, the ballot papers are checked and counted again at the returning officer's office to ensure accuracy of the figures from the election night count.
A combination of two or more parties in parliament, usually to form the government or opposition.
compulsory enrolment
If you are 18 years and over and an Australian citizen you are required by law to enrol to vote for all three levels of government. This application must be sent to the Australian Electoral Commission within 21 days of becoming entitled to do so. A penalty applies for failing to enrol.
compulsory voting
A system of voting where eligible people are legally required to vote in elections. See also elector.
A nation or state's fundamental laws. The NSW Constitution is embodied in an Act of Parliament and sets the framework for the system of State Government, eg two houses of parliament.
constitutional referendum
Constitutional referendums are held to:
increase or decrease the number of councillors
create or abolish wards
change the way in which the mayor is elected (that is, a popularly or councillor elected mayor)
change the method of electing councillors in a council with wards.
The result of a constitutional referendum is binding on the council. If the constitutional referendum is passed the result comes into effect at the next election in four years’ time.
Court of Disputed Returns
The Supreme Court sits as the Court of Disputed Returns to hear petitions challenging the validity of a State election.
declaration of election/poll
A formal statement of the result of a State or local government election, or poll.
declaration vote
A vote cast by an elector when the ballot papers are enclosed in an envelope containing a printed declaration signed by the elector - applies to pre-poll/early votes, postal votes, declared institution votes, absent votes and section votes.
declared facilities and institutions
A nursing home, hospital or similar facility that has been appointed by the Electoral Commissioner as a declared facility or institution. Election officials visit these institutions and facilities in the five days before an election day to allow residents to vote in person on site.
If an election has been deferred, no voting will take place until the election is rescheduled.
Government on behalf of the people by their elected representatives.
A disclosure is the reporting of information to the NSW Electoral Commission by political participants related to political donations and/or electoral expenditure.
disputed returns
A challenge regarding the validity of a Legislative Assembly or Legislative Council election. See Court of Disputed Returns.
distribution of preferences
The process used to determine the winning candidate when no candidate wins an absolute majority of first preference votes.
Used for State elections, districts are geographical regions with clearly defined boundaries shown on electoral district maps containing approximately equal numbers of voters. Each district is represented by one of the 93 NSW Legislative Assembly seats. For the Legislative Council, the district is the whole state.
Australia is divided into voting districts which are known as divisions for voting in federal elections.
donkey vote
A term to describe a ballot paper marked with preferences for candidates without consideration for their policies or abilities. Usually takes the form of the ballot paper being marked 1, 2, 3, 4 etc straight up (or down) a ballot paper.
People and entities making gifts, usually in the form of money, to candidates, political parties and other political participants in New South Wales. Donations are strictly regulated by legislation in New South Wales and penalties apply for non-compliance. See Electoral Funding Act 2018.
dual voting centre/polling place
The term given to a single premises which serves as a voting centre/polling place for two or more districts.
early voting
Early voting is the act of voting in person before election day at an election manager's office or an early voting centre for a State election or by-election. See pre-poll.
early voting centre
A voting centre that has been designated for early voting. Days and hours of operation of an early voting centre are determined by the Electoral Commissioner.
election management application (EMA)
A computer programme developed by the NSW Electoral Commission to undertake administrative tasks including staffing, nominations, and processing declaration votes and election results.
Election Manager
The election manager is responsible for overseeing the state election and making sure it runs in accordance with all relevant laws (the local government election equivalent role is the returning officer). Duties include staffing the election manager’s office, conducting the ballot paper draw and liaising with political parties, candidates and the public.
elected member
A Member of the Parliament of NSW.
election reminder service
A free service that sends email or SMS reminders to voters when there is a State or local government election in their district, local government area or ward. Voters must register for the service with the NSW Electoral Commission.
A person eligible to vote at an election. To be eligible to vote, a person must be aged 18 years or over on the day of the election, an Australian citizen, and resident at an address in NSW for at least 1 month before they enrol. Note that a person can enrol to vote at a voting centre/polling place on an election day.
Electoral Commissioner
The officer responsible for the registration of political parties, enrolment of electors, the preparation of lists and rolls of electors and the conduct of elections according to law.
electoral district
See district.
electoral expenditure
Electoral expenditure is money or its equivalent spent:
- promoting or opposing a political party or political participant (directly or indirectly)
- influencing (directly or indirectly) the voting at an election (Section 7 of the Electoral Funding Act 2018).
Electoral Funding Act 2018
For information, visit Electoral Funding Act 2018.
electoral offence
A breach of electoral law as specified in the Parliamentary Electorates and Elections Act 1912 or the Local Government Act 1993.
electoral roll
The generic name of the list of persons eligible to vote at elections in NSW. It has been superseded by the Electoral Information Register, under the Electoral Act 2017.
The population of electors or the region in which electors live. Electorates have clearly defined boundaries which are shown on electoral district maps.
Endorsed, in relation to a party, means selected or otherwise accredited to stand as a representative of the party in an election.
enrol and vote
An eligible person, who attends an early voting/pre-poll location or a voting/polling place on election day, who is not on the Authorised Roll, can enrol and vote. The person must show appropriate identification (a NSW photo drivers licence or a NSW photo card issued by the Roads and Traffic Authority), and in some circumstances a citizenship number or an Australian passport number may also be required.
The process of officially registering or having one's name added to the list of people entitled to vote. Australian citizens 18 years of age and over (with few exceptions) must enrol to vote.
exhausted votes
These are ballot papers which show no further valid preferences for any candidate and must, therefore, be set aside from the count.
federal government
The central or federal government is responsible for administration of functions enumerated in the Constitution on an Australia wide basis.
The unification of Australian colonies which formed the Australian nation on January, 1901.
formal vote
A ballot paper which has been correctly marked and counts in the outcome of a state or local government election, or poll.
The right to vote.
general postal voter
A voter registered to automatically be sent ballot papers for each election, without being required to apply. This is different from a postal vote, which is a one-off process that applies only to a specific election on application by the voter.
general election
In NSW, general elections are held for all Legislative Assembly (93) seats and half (21) of the Legislative Council seats every 4 years.
The exercise of political authority over the actions and affairs of the people. There are 3 levels of government in Australia - federal, state and local.
group of candidates
A group is a group of candidates that have been nominated for a State or local government election and who have formed a group for the purpose of a ballot paper. To find out more, go to Candidates and groups.
House of Representatives
The Lower House of the Australian Parliament.
how-to-vote card
A simulated copy of the ballot paper showing an elector how to mark the paper and vote for a particular candidate or party. These are usually handed out to voters by party workers at voting centres/polling places on election day. You do not have to follow these cards. How you vote is up to you.
An independent is a candidate for election/member of Parliament who is not endorsed by a political party. See endorsed.
Officially ‘technology assisted voting’ (see Division 11 Electoral Act 2017), the internet and telephone-based voting system administered in NSW State elections by the NSW Electoral Commission.
informal vote
A ballot paper left blank or wrongly marked that is excluded from the count. It does not contribute to the election of a candidate.
Joint Roll Agreement
A bilateral agreement between the Commonwealth of Australia and the State of New South Wales for the maintenance and provision of a New South Wales electoral roll that can be used in parliamentary and council elections.
Legislative Assembly
The Lower House of the NSW Parliament, with 93 Members, one elected from each district. The NSW Constitution Act 1902 requires the state to be divided into 93 electoral districts which are as close as possible in number of electors.
Legislative Council
The Upper House of the NSW Parliament, with 42 Members elected for an eight-year term, half of whom are elected at each general election, known as a periodic council election.
local government area
A subdivision of the state into a geographical area for which a council is responsible.
The authority given to a government and its policies through an electoral victory.
marginal seat
A seat held by a Member of Parliament with a small majority of votes.
members of parliament
All representatives elected by the people to serve them in parliament, but more commonly used for those in the Legislative Assembly.
The process by which a person applies to become a candidate for election. Note that this is different from 'registration' under the Electoral Funding Act 2018.
not run by the NSW Electoral Commission
Changes introduced in 2011 to legislation gave councils the ability to choose their election manager. Councils have the option to choose the NSW Electoral Commissioner or to engage a commercial election service provider to conduct the election for them.
Where an election is not run by the Electoral Commission, the council should be contacted for election information. All candidates and other political participants, even where the election is not run by the NSW Electoral Commission, have legal requirements for registration with the NSW Electoral Commission for electoral funding purposes (accepting political donations and incurring electoral expenditure). Offences under local government electoral laws at all council elections are also enforced by the NSW Electoral Commission.
The major party, or coalition of parties in parliament which has the next highest number of votes.
optional preferential voting
A voting system in which an elector shows by numbers their preferences for individual or groups of candidates but need not show a preference for every candidate or group listed.
ordinary vote
A vote recorded in the normal manner at a voting centre/polling place on election day.
party worker
A person who assists candidates by handing out how to vote cards. Also known as a candidate worker.
The casting of votes on an election day.
polling place
A building, such as a school, that has been designated as a place for voters to cast their vote at local government elections. See also voting centre.
postal vote
A vote that is sent by post instead of voting in person at a voting centre or polling place. Generally, voters who are eligible to use postal voting must apply prior to election day. See also general postal voter.
political participant
Individuals and groups actively involved in the electoral process. Political participants include:
- candidates and groups
- political parties
- members of parliament and councillors
- party agents and official agents
- associated entities
- third-party campaigners
- political donors
- third-party lobbyists.
political donation
A political donation is a gift made to, or for the benefit of, a political participant. The precise meaning of political donation is different for each type of political participant.
political donor
People and entities making political donations in New South Wales. See also donor.
political party
An organised group with a common political philosophy which seeks to win and retain public office. Party organisations support or endorse candidates who, if elected, usually vote as a group for its policies in parliament.
preferential vote
A vote for all candidates numbered in order of preference. Preferences of candidates with the least number of votes are then distributed to other candidates until one has sufficient votes to be elected. This system of vote counting is used in the Legislative Assembly elections.
Pre-poll is the act of voting in person before election day at a returning officer's office or a pre-poll venue for local government elections. If you are eligible to use pre-poll, you need to visit a venue in your ward or council area. See also early voting.
The officer responsible for the conduct of business in the Legislative Council.
proportional representation
A system of voting designed to elect representatives in proportion to the amount of support each has in the electoral district. This system of voting is used in Legislative Council elections.
provisional enrolment
Provisional enrolment is when an Australian citizen under 18 years of age enrols, to enable them to vote when they turn 18 years of age.
The number of votes required by a candidate to be elected to the Legislative Council or a Councillor at Local Government Election. It is calculated by adding one to the result of the total number of formal votes divided by the number of vacancies plus one then rounding up any decimals. See proportional representation.
A second or further count of votes in an election.
Redistribution is the change in boundaries of Legislative Assembly electoral districts undertaken by an Electoral Districts Redistribution Panel set up for the redistribution. These boundary changes take into account changes in population size. The result of a redistribution should be that the number of electors enrolled in each district should be equal, give or take three per cent.
A vote that is taken to allow voters to express their view on a particular subject or issue, for example adopting daylight saving in NSW (in 1976). Some alterations to the structure of the NSW Parliament, for example how members are elected, can only be made after approval in a referendum.
registered general postal voter
Electors who cannot attend a polling place may apply to become a registered general postal voter so that ballot papers are automatically sent to them without having to apply for a postal vote at each separate election.
registered party
A political party on the Register of Parties kept by the Electoral Commissioner under the Electoral Act. To be eligible to be registered, a party must have at least 750 members, and have a written constitution, however that is expressed.
reportable political donation
A political donation of or more than $1,000 made to or for the benefit of a party, elected member, group, candidate, associated entity or third-party campaigner.
Returning Officer
The election official responsible for conducting a local government election or a council; or the NSW Electoral Commissioner as the returning officer for all Legislative Assembly districts and for the Legislative Council. See also election manager.
return of writ
When the election is decided, the writ is returned to the Governor with the name(s) of the successful candidate(s) added.
roll of electors
A composite roll for a local government election, consisting of the residential roll, the non-residential roll and the roll of occupiers and rate paying lessees.
A scrutineer is a person appointed by a candidate to observe the voting and the counting of votes.
Another term for electoral district; used because the candidate elected then has a seat in Parliament.
secret ballot
A vote made in secret.
The Upper House of the Australian Parliament.
silent elector
An elector whose address is not included on any authorised roll or list of electors. A person must apply to the NSW Electoral Commissioner to be a silent elector.
A data system that automatically enrols and re-enrols eligible electors, adding their correct details to the New South Wales electoral roll. This system is not currently in use.
The officer responsible for the business of the Legislative Assembly.
The right to vote in political elections.
tally room
A room where progressive voting figures are collected on election night and provisional results are announced.
The length of time a Parliament may sit before having to call an election. New South Wales has fixed four year terms.
two-candidate preferred count (TCP)
Two-candidate preferred count refers to a distribution of preferences of the two candidates who are expected to come first and second in each electoral district. Often, but not always, these will be the candidates representing the Labor party and the Coalition (Liberal and National parties).
An election is uncontested when the number of candidates who have nominated is equal to or less than the number to be elected. In these situations, all of the nominating candidates are declared elected. If the number of candidates who nominate is less than the number of councillor positions, a by-election is required to fill the remaining vacancy/vacancies.
ungrouped candidate
A Legislative Council candidate not in a group is referred to as an ungrouped candidate. Ungrouped candidates are not entitled to a group voting square above the line. They will be shown in one or more columns on the far right of the ballot paper.
under administration
When a council is placed under administration, the elected councillors are either suspended or terminated and a government-appointed administrator temporarily takes over the council’s operations.
virtual tally room
This refers to the display on the NSW Electoral Commission's website of the progressive voting figures on election night and in the days that follow to indicate where the count is up to and which candidates/parties have been elected.
The process of choosing or selecting a candidate for political office.
voting centre
A building, such as a school, that has been designated as a place for voters to cast their vote for State elections. See also polling places.
voting screen
A small compartment or cubicle at the polling place where people fill in their ballot papers in secret at elections.
Subdivision of a local government area, consisting of approximately equal numbers of voters, which elects one or more councillors for that local government area’s council.
The document by which the Governor, or the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly in by-elections, directs the Electoral Commissioner to conduct an election.