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Policies and procedures

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Compliance audit policy (PDF 0.2MB)

This policy guides the approach and overarching principles in our conduct of compliance audits.

Complaints management policy (PDF 0.7MB)

This policy ensures that the NSW Electoral Commission handle complaints fairly, efficiently and effectively.

Compliance and enforcement policy PDF (0.6MB)

This policy provides a guide for the use of investigation and enforcement powers by the NSW Electoral Commission and its authorised officers, and outlines how the NSW Electoral Commission accounts for enforcement action taken.

Compliance and enforcement publication policy (PDF 0.2MB)

The Compliance and Enforcement Policy provides information regarding the compliance and enforcement function.

Data breach policy (PDF 0.1MB)

The Data Breach Policy outlines the Electoral Commission’s approach to managing data breaches, involving personal information handled by the Electoral Commission, in furtherance of its commitment to protect the personal information of electors and other stakeholders.

Determination that technology assisted voting is not to be used (PDF 0.1MB)

John Schmidt, the Electoral Commissioner for New South Wales, has determined that iVote will not be used for the 2023 NSW State election to be held on 25 March 2023.

Disclosure of enrolment, electoral and election information policy (PDF 0.2MB)

This policy outlines the likely circumstances in which we are required to disclose enrolment, electoral and election information. 

Disinformation register principles (PDF 0.5MB)

The disinformation register was established to publicly highlight the inaccuracy of particularly prominent, persistent, or harmful pieces of disinformation relating to the conduct of state and local government electoral events. Learn more about the principles that inform the register.

Fraud and corruption policy (PDF 0.1MB)

This policy emphasises the NSW Electoral Commission's zero tolerance for fraud and corruption.

Handing out electoral materials - COVID-19 arrangements (PDF 0.5MB)

This policy outlines the directions from the Commissioner regarding the display and distribution of electoral material at the 2021 Local Government elections, with considerations given to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Multiple voter policy (PDF 0.7MB)

This policy supports and guides the administration of the NSW electoral laws as they relate to the declaration of an elector as a special elector.

Party registration policy (PDF 0.6MB)

This policy outlines the principles and objectives of party registration, including how the Commissioner makes decisions about certain registration matters. This policy is supported by the Procedures for party registration.

Political neutrality policy (PDF 0.3MB)

This policy highlights the requirements that underpin the political neutrality requirements of all staff engaged by the NSW Electoral Commission.

Postal vote by declared COVID-19 affected electors (PDF 1.7MB)

This policy outlines the directions from the Commissioner regarding postal voting at the 2022 Local Government and State Government By-elections, with considerations given to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Posters - arrangements for COVID-19 pandemic (PDF 0.5MB)

This policy outlines the directions from the Commissioner regarding the display and distribution of posters at the 2021 Local Government elections, with considerations given to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Prosecution policy (PDF 0.7MB)

This policy provides a guide for the NSW Electoral Commission and staff members when a decision is to be made by the NSW Electoral Commission to prosecute.

Public funding policy (PDF 0.1MB)

This policy sets out the overarching principles and aims of the public funding schemes.

Public interest disclosures policy (PDF 0.1 MB)

This policy sets out our internal process for handling reports of wrongdoing, and in particular the reports which are classified as public interest disclosures under the PID Act.

Recount policy - Local government elections (PDF 0.1MB)

This policy is designed to provide a consistent approach to the management and evaluation of recount requests in accordance with s353 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021.

Recount policy - State government elections (PDF 0.1MB)

This policy is designed to provide a consistent approach to the management and evaluation of recount requests for state government elections in accordance with s172 of the Electoral Act 2017.

Registration of electoral participants policy (PDF 0.1MB)

This policy provides a guide to the principles and objectives of the registration of electoral participants and agents.

Scrutineer policy - State government elections (PDF 0.1MB)

This policy details the rights and obligations of scrutineers in NSW state elections.

Scrutineer policy - Local government elections (PDF 0.1MB)

This policy details the rights and obligations of scrutineers in NSW Local Government elections.


Compliance and enforcement procedures (PDF 0.3MB)

A guide as to how investigation and enforcement actions meet the principles and objectives in the Compliance and Enforcement Policy.

COVID-19 protocol for scrutineers (PDF 0.1MB)

A protocol to ensure the safe conduct of by-elections in February 2022 in the circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Direction under s 337A(1)(a) - Special provisions about scrutineers for COVID-19 pandemic (PDF 0.2MB)

This direction outlines special safety provisions for scrutineers during the 2022 Local Government By-elections.

Election campaigns fund procedures (PDF 0.1MB)

These procedures provide a guide as to how we meet the principles and objectives stated in the Public Funding Policy.

New parties fund procedures (PDF 0.1 MB)

These procedures provide a guide as to how the NSW Electoral Commission meets the principles and objectives stated in the Public Funding Policy.

Penalty notice and caution procedures (PDF 0.4MB)

These procedures provide a guide as to how the NSW Electoral Commission issues penalty notices and cautions.

Procedures for party registration (PDF 0.7MB)

These procedures provide a guide to the processes the NSW Electoral Commission and the Electoral Commissioner follow when a political party that is not yet registered under the Electoral Act 2017 or the Local Government Act 1993 seeks registration in NSW. 

Regulatory priorities procedures (PDF 0.6MB)

Regulatory priorities procedures set out the steps for the NSW Electoral Commission to annually determine and operationalise regulatory priorities.

Special provisions about scrutineers for COVID-19 pandemic (PDF 0.8MB)

Section 337 A(1)(a) provides direction for scrutineers during the 2021 Local Government elections.

Technology assisted voting procedures (PDF 0.2MB)

Procedures made under the Electoral Act 2017 and the Local Government Regulations for voting by eligible electors at state and local government elections by means of technology assisted voting.

Joined policies and procedures

Disclosure policy and procedures (PDF 0.7MB)

This policy and procedure describes the principles and objectives of disclosure.

FDC delegations policy and procedures (PDF 0.1MB)

This policy and procedure outlines how the NSW Electoral Commission and NSW Electoral Commissioner delegate functions under the legislation to FDC officers.

Government Information (Public Access) (GIPA) Act 2009 policy and procedures (PDF 0.3MB)

This policy ensures that the NSW Electoral Commission meets its obligations under the GIPA Act to provide access to information.

Identification of potential political donors policy and procedures (PDF 0.1MB)

These procedures summarise the principles underlying the requirement and acceptance of identification.

Non-prohibited donor determinations policy and procedures (PDF 0.6MB)

These procedures describe the principles and objectives concerning prohibited donors and the power to determine that a person is not a prohibited donor.