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Information in your language

If you speak a language other than English, you can access information such as how to vote, where to vote and assistance when voting in the following languages:

Other in-language support

Election day support

Polling places will feature display posters with QR codes linking to in-language online resources. 

Multilingual election officials will be present at many polling places, wearing badges to indicate the language that they speak.

Free telephone interpreter service

If your language is not listed above, or you would like more information about voting at elections, you can use a free telephone interpreter service to contact us.

If you need an interpreter, please call the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) on 131 450 and ask them to call the NSW Electoral Commission on 1300 135 736.

You can also ask an election official at the voting centre to connect you with TIS National when you arrive to vote.

Improving participation

Community engagement

We consult with community groups and disability organisations to improve the election experience for all members of the community.

Read more about our Multicultural inclusion action plan (PDF 0.6MB)

Bilingual workers wanted at the 2024 NSW Local Government elections

If you are bilingual, we encourage you to apply to work at the 2024 Local Government elections.