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Political donations

Parties, groups, candidates and other election participants are responsible for understanding and complying with the rules for political donations.  

This section provides an overview about who is responsible for the management and disclosure of political donations and electoral expenditure and the requirements for political donations.  

Learn more about political donations or contact us.

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Who is responsible for the management and disclosure of political donations and electoral expenditure?

Political parties, candidates, groups and party agents must understand their responsibilities for managing and disclosing political donations and electoral expenditure.  

What is a political donation?

Political donations are strictly regulated and penalties apply for non-compliance. All party agents, candidates and any person authorised or appointed to accept political donations must understand these rules before accepting political donations.

Generally, a political donation has a different meaning for a party, candidate or other electoral participants, such as associated entities and third-party campaigners.

How can political donations be used?

Small political donations

A small political donation is a single donation of less than $1,000 made by a donor. A small political donation also includes multiple small donations made by the same donor to the same party, elected member, group or candidate in a financial year that in aggregate are less than $1,000. 

If a small political donation is received by a party, elected member, group or candidate a record must be kept of the donation. The total value and total number of small political donations made and received are required to be disclosed to the NSW Electoral Commission.

Reportable political donations

A reportable political donation is a single donation of $1,000 or more made by a donor. A reportable political donation also includes multiple donations made by the same donor to the same party, elected member, group or candidate in a financial year that in aggregate are more than $1,000 or more. 

If a reportable political donation is received by a party, elected member, group or candidate a record must be kept of the donation and the donor and a receipt must be issued to the donor (or a written acknowledgement for non-monetary donations). The receipt/acknowledgement must include a statement advising the donor of the following: 

  • If you make a political donation of $1,000 or more, you must complete and lodge a declaration with the Electoral Commission in accordance with the Electoral Funding Act 2018. A political donation includes a contribution or entry fee or an annual or other subscription. You must also disclose a political donation of less than $1,000 if the total amount of political donations made by you in respect of the same party (or associated entity), elected member, group, candidate, third-party campaigner or person in the same financial year is $1,000 or more. Penalties apply for failing to lodge a declaration. 

Approved receipts are provided by the NSW Electoral Commission on demand.

Parties – receipts/acknowledgements for reportable political donations are to be issued by a person authorised by the party.  

Elected members and candidates – receipts/acknowledgements for reportable political donations are to be issued by the person responsible as applicable to the elected member or candidate. 

The full details of all reportable political donations made and received are required to be disclosed to the NSW Electoral Commission.  

Reportable loans

A reportable loan is a loan that, if it had been a gift, would be a reportable political donation. A loan includes an advance of money, the provision of credit or any other transaction that in substance effects a loan of money. 

A person accepting a loan must keep the following records of a reportable loan (other than a loan from a financial institution): 

  • the terms and conditions of the loan, and 

  • the name and address of the entity or other person making the loan. 

If a person or entity makes more than one loan to the same party, elected member, group, candidate or other person within a financial year, the loans are to be aggregated and treated as a single loan.  

Each transaction in which credit is provided by the use of a credit card is taken to be a separate loan. 

The details of reportable loans received must be disclosed to the NSW Electoral Commission.  

It is unlawful for a person to accept a reportable loan without keeping the records required above.  

Who can make a political donation?

Only certain individuals and entities are eligible to make political donations in New South Wales:  

  • an individual enrolled to vote at federal elections or in New South Wales for state or local government elections, or 

  • an entity with a business number recognised by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (for example, ABN or ACN), or 

  • an individual or entity who has supplied to the NSW Electoral Commission identification that is acceptable to the NSW Electoral Commission (individuals or entities seeking approval of acceptable identification in order to make political donations must use the Application for approval of acceptable identification by a potential political donor (EF.708). 

It is unlawful to accept a political donation from a person or entity who is not eligible to make political donations. Further, certain individuals and entities are prohibited from making donations (see Prohibited donors for further information). 

Accepting political donations

Recipient or beneficiary of donation

Person accepting donation

Prerequisites for accepting donation

Further obligations of person accepting donation

Political party 

Any person authorised by the party to accept political donations 

Ensure that the donor is eligible to make political donations and the donation is not unlawful. 

Deposit donations (that will be used by the party to incur electoral expenditure for the state election) into the party’s State campaign account. 

Provide the details of the donation and donor to the party so the party can keep complete and accurate records and can issue a receipt or acknowledgement to the donor if the donation is reportable.

Elected member, candidate – party members 

The party agent 

The candidate is registered for the election with the NSW Electoral Commission (refer to the section Registration of candidates).

Ensure that the donor is eligible to make political donations and the donation is not unlawful. 

Deposit donations (that will be used by the party to incur electoral expenditure for the state election) into the party’s State campaign account. 

Keep a complete and accurate record of each political donation made to or for the benefit of an elected member, candidate or group, and issue the donor with a receipt/acknowledgement if the donation is a reportable political donation. 

Elected member, candidate – not party members  The elected member or candidate

The candidate is registered for the election with the NSW Electoral Commission (refer to the section Registration of candidates).  

Ensure that the donor is eligible to make political donations and the donation is not unlawful. 

Pay donations into the campaign account of the elected member, candidate or group.  

Keep a complete and accurate record of each political donation made to or for the benefit of an elected member, candidate or group and issue the donor with a receipt/acknowledgement if the donation is a reportable political donation. 

Anonymous political donations

Before a person accepts a reportable political donation, the person must know the name and address of the person who is making the donation and the person making the donation must give the person accepting the donation the donor’s name and address. 

It is unlawful to accept a reportable political donation from an anonymous donor and if the person accepting the donation has grounds to believe that the name and address given by the person are not the true name and address of the donor the donation must not be accepted.  

Prohibited donors

Individuals and entities from certain industries are prohibited from making political donations in New South Wales. It is unlawful for a: 

  • prohibited donor to make a political donation 

  • person to make a political donation on behalf of a prohibited donor  

  • person to accept a political donation from a prohibited donor or a person on behalf of a prohibited donor 

  • prohibited donor to solicit another person to make a political donation, and 

  • person to solicit another person on behalf of a prohibited donor to make a political donation. 

A prohibited donor is: 

  • a property developer 

  • a tobacco industry business entity 

  • a liquor or gambling industry business entity (including registered clubs that are involved in wagering, betting or other gambling activities)

  • close associates of the above, and 

  • any industry representative organisation if the majority of its members are prohibited donors. 

For the detailed definitions of prohibited donors refer to section 53 of the Electoral Funding Act.

Caps on political donations

Political donations are capped in New South Wales. Caps on political donations are adjusted each financial year and are published on the Caps on political donations page. The current caps are: 

  • $7,900 to or for the benefit of a registered political party, and 

  • $3,800 to or for the benefit of an unregistered party, candidate, elected member, associated entity or third-party campaigner. 

For the purpose of the donation caps: 

  • political donations made by the same donor to the same recipient in a financial year are to be aggregated 

  • political donations made by the same donor to elected members, candidates and groups of candidates endorsed by the same party in a financial year are to be aggregated 

  • donations made by the same donor to the same recipient in a financial year are to be aggregated separately in relation to donations for local government elections and donations for other purposes. 

There are a number of exemptions that apply to the caps on political donations: 

  • a party levy paid to a party by an elected member or a candidate who is a member of the party 

  • an amount paid to a party by a Legislative Assembly candidate who is a member of the party, during the financial year of a State election, is exempt from the donation caps up to $75,500 

  • an annual or other subscription paid to a party by a member of the party, or by an entity or other person for affiliation with the party, is exempt from the donation caps, up to the following amounts: 

    • a party member – $2,000 

    • a party affiliate whose subscription to the party is not based on the number of members of the affiliate – $2,000, and 

    • a party affiliate whose subscription to the party is based on the number of members of the affiliate – $2,000 per member of the affiliate. 

It is unlawful to accept a political donation if the donation exceeds the applicable cap on donations.  

A political donation that exceeds the applicable cap on donations is not unlawful if it, or the amount in excess of the cap, is paid into an account kept exclusively for federal election campaigns.  

An individual who makes a political donation on behalf of a corporation that is related to another corporation that has made a political donation to the same party, elected member, group or candidate in the same financial year must disclose to the person accepting the donation the following about the other corporation and its political donations: 

  • the name of the corporation making the political donation 

  • the names of the other corporations and the amounts of the political donations made during that same financial year. 


‘Self-funding’ contributions made by a candidate to their own campaign are not political donations and are not subject to donation caps. Contributions made by a candidate to the group or party of which the candidate is a member are political donations from the candidate to the group or party and are subject to the donation caps. 

If a candidate is responsible for operating their campaign account, the ‘self-funding’ contribution must be paid into the campaign account. If a party agent is responsible for a candidate, the ‘self-funding’ contribution must be paid into the party’s State campaign account by the party agent.  

During the financial year of a State election, a candidate who is a member of a registered political party may make: 

  • self-funding contributions to the party agent to be paid into the State campaign account of the party to finance the candidate’s own election campaign, and 

  • the following political donations to the party: 

    • political donations subject to the donation cap of $7,900, and 

    • political donations of up to $75,500. 

Indirect campaign contributions

The following are indirect campaign contributions to a party, elected member, or candidate: 

  • the provision of free or discounted office accommodation, vehicles, computers or other equipment for use solely or substantially for election campaign purposes 

  • the full or part payment by a person of electoral expenditure for advertising or other purposes incurred or to be incurred by the party, elected member, or candidate (or an agreement to make the payment), and 

  • the waiving of all or any part of a payment of electoral expenditure for advertising incurred or to be incurred by a party, elected member, group or candidate. 

In relation to an indirect campaign contribution, electoral expenditure for advertising is taken to be incurred by a party, elected member, or candidate if the advertising is authorised by the party, elected member, group or candidate. 

An indirect campaign contribution does not include: 

  • volunteer labour or the incidental or ancillary use of vehicles or equipment of volunteers 

  • anything provided or done by a party for the candidates endorsed by the party in accordance with arrangements made by the party agent of the party 

  • a public funding payment made to a party, elected member or candidate by NSW Electoral Commission.  

It is unlawful for a person to make or accept the following indirect campaign contributions taking into account the total value of things provided or done by the same person over the same financial year: 

  • anything provided to or done for the benefit of a registered party or a group valued at more than $7,900 

  • anything provided to or done for the benefit of an unregistered party, elected member or candidate valued at more than $3,800. 

The above amounts are relevant to the 2023/24 financial year and are adjusted each financial year.  

Political donations to independent candidates

A party, or a candidate or elected member endorsed by a party, or an associated entity of a party, must not make political donations to a candidate, or group of candidates, not endorsed by that or any other party and the candidate or group of candidates must not accept the political donation.