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Candidate nominations for state elections

Being nominated as a candidate or group of candidates for a state election is a separate process to registering to accept political donations or make payments for electoral expenditure.

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Election process

Generally, the nomination process for a state election is as follows:

Step 1: Familiarise yourself with the election processes and your legal obligations.

Step 2: Register as a candidate.

Step 3: Manage your campaign finances throughout the entire election period.

Step 4: Nominate as a candidate.

Step 5: Register electoral material (how to votes) to distribute on election day.

Step 6: Disclose political donations and electoral expenditure to the NSW Electoral Commission.

Registration as a candidate

Before you can accept political donations or pay for electoral expenditure for a state election, you must first be registered.

Registration is a separate process to being nominated as a candidate to have your name on the ballot paper.

Death of a candidate 

If a candidate dies before 12pm on nomination day, the nomination period is extended by 24 hours for that district, but the election date remains the same. 

If a candidate dies after 12pm on nomination day and before election day, the Legislative Assembly district election for that district is deemed to have failed. An election for that district will be held at a later date. 

Uncontested elections 

If only one valid nomination has been accepted for a Legislative Assembly district by 12pm on the day that nominations close, the election is uncontested and the nominated candidate will be declared elected. 

Eligibility and disqualification 

Learn general advice about eligibility and disqualification for state government election candidates

This information is not legal advice. It is important to note that the Electoral Commission cannot confirm whether you, or other prospective candidates, are eligible to nominate for an election or are potentially disqualified.