Councils are required under section 210A of the Local Government Act 1993 No.30 to consult the Electoral Commissioner before dividing a council’s area into wards. See below:
210A - Consultation, public notice and exhibition of proposals regarding ward boundaries
1. Before dividing a council’s area into wards or altering a council’s ward boundaries, the council must
(a) consult the Electoral Commissioner and the Australian Statistician to ensure that, as far as practicable, the proposed boundaries of its wards correspond to the boundaries of appropriate districts (within the meaning of the Electoral Act 2017) and census districts, and to ensure that the proposed boundaries comply with section 210(7), and
2. Prepare and publicly exhibit a plan detailing the proposed division or alteration (the ward boundary plan).
To fulfil the consultation requirement of this section, councils are required to complete the spreadsheet provided below before public exhibition is commenced. Subsequently, councils are required to complete the spreadsheet provided below after ward alterations are approved by council.
The second submission provides the Commissioner with sufficient information to code electors correctly to the roll.
In both cases, the spreadsheet and accompanying plan files should be emailed to Details on how to populate the spreadsheet report is contained in the “Help” tab.
In addition to the Ward Boundary Report spreadsheet, councils must provide:
a digital ward boundary file (in MapInfo Mid/Mif format or similar)
a PDF clearly showing the LGA boundary, ward boundaries and 2021 SA1 boundaries.
Note: the information requested above is needed to assist the AEC to code electors correctly on the electoral roll. Provision of incomplete or inaccurate information will potentially result in electors being coded into incorrect wards and not constitute “consultation” with respect to the Local Government Act.
Councils should note that the Electoral Commissioner does NOT provide a consulting service to councils to fulfil their obligations under the Act. Councils are advised to seek the services of either Spatial Services or other suitably qualified organisation if they are unable to provide the required information to the NSWEC with internal resources.