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Approvals under the Electoral Act 2017

Approvals by the Electoral Commissioner under the Electoral Act, such as the approval of a form, or the manner and form of making an application, must be published on this website.

Instrument Section of the Electoral Act

Approval of the manner and form of an application for enrolment or an application for a change of address (PDF 3.4MB)


Approval of the form and manner for an application for party registration (PDF 0.4MB)


Approval of the form of a declaration of party membership (PDF 0.3MB)


Approval of the form and manner of an amendment to the Register of Parties (PDF 0.6MB)


Approval of the form of an annual return (for the continued eligibility for a party to be registered) (PDF 0.3MB)


Approval of the form and manner of the Register of Parties (PDF 0.3MB)


Approval of the forms of the nomination paper (PDF 2MB)


Approval of the manner of nomination deposit (PDF 0.3MB)


Approval of the form for candidates to make a claim to be included in a group for a Legislative Council election (PDF 2.3MB)


Approval of the form to withdraw a claim to be included in a group for a Legislative Council election (PDF 0.5MB)


Approval of the form of the child protection declaration (PDF 2MB)


Approval of the form for the appointment of a scrutineer (PDF 0.6MB)


Approval of the manner of recording a mark against a person’s name on the authorised roll (PDF 0.1MB)


Approval of the form of oral declaration for objection on religious grounds for voting in the manner provided (PDF 0.1MB)


Approval of the form of declaration made by absent electors at a voting centre (PDF 0.4MB)

135(4), 136(4)-(5)

Approval of the form of declaration made by an elector recorded as received a ballot paper to cast a provisional vote at a voting centre (PDF 0.4MB)


Approval of the form of declaration made by a person permitted to cast a provisional vote at a voting centre (PDF 1.0MB)


Approval of the manner and form of the application to vote by post and approval of the form of the postal vote certificate (PDF 0.8MB)

143(2), 145(2)(a)

Appointment and abolition of ballot counting places and approval of places at which to ascertain the result of the election (PDF 1.7MB)

163(1)(a), 171(1)

Approval of the manner to package and secure ballot papers and other materials used and provided for use at the voting centre (PDF 2MB)


Approval of the manner for packages of items used in connection with the election to be made up and sealed (PDF 2MB)


Approval of the form of the application to register electoral material and approval of the form of the certificate of registration of electoral material (PDF 2.6MB)

199(7), 201(3)

Approve procedures to facilitate voting by eligible electors at an election by means of technology assisted voting (the approved procedures) (PDF 6.6MB)


Approval of the form of declaration for provisional voting under section 137(1)-(2) of the Electoral Act 2017 (PDF 0.4MB)


Northern Tablelands by-election – 22 June 2024

Instrument Section of the Electoral Act

Approval of place and time for preliminary scrutiny of postal ballot papers - Northern Tablelands by-elections (June 2024)


Approval of place at which to ascertain the result of the election - Northern Tablelands by-elections (June 2024)


Appointment of voting centres - Northern Tablelands by-election (June 2024) (PDF 0.3MB)


Appointment of voting centres designated as early voting centres - Northern Tablelands by-election (June 2024) (PDF 0.3MB) 

108(1), (4)

Approval of declared facilities - Northern Tablelands by-election (June 2024) (PDF 0.2MB)


Appointment of ballot counting places - Northern Tablelands by-election (June 2024) (PDF 0.4MB) 


Determination to use the alternate method of postal voting (PDF 0.1MB)

cl 15 of Schedule 7

Approval of the form of the postal vote certificate (PDF 0.8MB)

144(a), 145(2)(a)

Approval of declared facility - Northern Tablelands by-elections (June 2024) (PDF 0.2MB)


Appointment of interstate voting centres designated as early voting centres - Northern Tablelands by-elections (June 2024) (PDF 0.4MB)


Determination that enrolment voting provisions do not apply at early voting centres outside New South Wales (PDF 0.4MB)


Approval of the manner to package and secure ballot papers and other materials used and provided for use at voting centres (PDF 2MB)


Approval of the manner for packages of items used in connection with the state by-election to be made up and sealed (PDF 0.4MB)
