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Candidates and groups of candidates for a local government election must be registered for the election with the NSW Electoral Commission for the purpose of lawfully accepting political donations and incurring electoral expenditure.  

This registration process is separate to the process for a person being nominated as a candidate for the election to have their name included on the ballot paper.  

When you become a candidate it is your responsibility to understand the requirements for political donations and electoral expenditure. Unless otherwise notified in writing by the NSW Electoral Commission and/or by the party agent of a registered party, a candidate, including a candidate who is a member of a group, is responsible for the management and disclosure of their political donations and electoral expenditure. The lead candidate of a group is responsible for the management and disclosure of the group’s political donations and electoral expenditure.  

More information about the rules for determining who is responsible for the management and disclosure of political donations and electoral expenditure can be found in the Political donations section

Registration as a candidate by the NSW Electoral Commission does not mean that a person is eligible to be nominated as a candidate for an election. Registration as a candidate or group is for the purposes of the candidate or group accepting political donations or making payments for electoral expenditure. Being nominated as a candidate is a separate process, to have your name included on the ballot paper.  

View information about the nomination process.