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Assistance to vote 

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Candidate information and electoral material  

To assist electors in casting their vote, Candidate Information Sheets will be made available on the NSW Electoral Commission website at elections.nsw.gov.au/CIS. These are displayed on the website as nominations are accepted by NSW Electoral Commission.

Candidates have the opportunity to add qualifications, employment, membership of organisation information and any other information relating to their experience that may assist electors in casting their vote. Copies of the Candidate Information Sheets will also be available for inspection by electors in pre-poll voting centres and polling places on election day.  

Additionally, to assist electors, the display of electoral material site will be available from Monday two weeks prior to election day until 6.30pm election day. Electoral material distributed on election day including how to vote cards will be made available to view on the electoral material website to assist members of the pubic in their voting.

Assistance to electors when voting  

If an elector is unable to vote or complete and sign an electoral paper without assistance, or if the elector is under a religious obligation not to mark a ballot-paper or complete and sign an electoral paper, a person appointed by the elector may assist. 

Any elector may seek assistance, however, the following groups have been identified as most likely to do so: 

  • the elderly 
  • people with a disability 
  • people with blindness or low vision 
  • people with literacy needs and 
  • people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. 

The person assisting the elector must mark a vote on the ballot paper (and complete and sign any declaration) according to the instructions of the elector.  

If the elector is unable to appoint a person, an election official can assist them. Election officials must provide such assistance in the presence of any scrutineers present, or, if there are no scrutineers present, in the presence of another election official or a person appointed by the elector. 

Electors using a wheelchair or with mobility needs 

Voting screens for electors using a wheelchair will be available at polling places and pre-poll voting centres.  

All polling places and pre-poll voting centres will also have other equipment to assist electors including maxi-pens, which are extra-large pens for those who are unable to grip regular sized pens, and magnifying sheets for electors who have low vision. 

Braille ballot papers for electors who are blind 

Electors may apply to the NSW Electoral Commission to be issued a braille ballot paper as either a postal or pre-poll voter or for voting at a polling place on election day. 

An application for a braille ballot paper must be made to the Electoral Commissioner before the roll closes for this election. For further information regarding applying for a braille ballot paper electors can contact the NSW Electoral Commission on 1300 135 736. 

Culturally and linguistically diverse electors  

Information and support is available to electors who require language assistance. This includes access to a telephone interpreting service, bilingual election staff and online voting resources in language.