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2021 Consultation process

The information on this page has been left for informational purposes only to provide insight into the 2021 Redistribution consultation process.

View the suggestions we received during the 2021 Redistribution consultation process.

On this page


Suggestions regarding the review of state electoral district boundaries in New South Wales open on Monday, 1 June and close on Wednesday, 1 July 2020. Suggestions received prior to Monday, 1 June or after Wednesday, 1 July will not be accepted.

When making a suggestion on the current electoral districts, keep in mind that redistribution is a whole-of-state process. Suggestions about individual electoral districts should be balanced with understanding that the Redistribution Panel's primary task is to distribute enrolled electors evenly across the 93 electoral districts in New South Wales.

Some examples of topics that might be included in your suggestion include:

  • projected population changes in a district will require the moving of a portion of the district to another district

  • a current boundary cuts through a particular community and separates them from their social or cultural facilities

  • a change of name of a current electoral district.

Suggestions should be clear and logical and include reasons that support your suggestion. Showing you have community support for your suggestion, could help the Redistribution Panel in its decision-making processes. 

Any suggestions received will be published on this website for public inspection and comment. The Redistribution Panel reserves the right to not publish any suggestion that it deems obscene, offensive, frivolous or vexatious.

How to make a suggestion

Australian Labor Party maps

View the Australian Labor Party's suggestions on the redistribution of electoral districts.

Comments on suggestions

View the comments on the suggestions we received during the 2021 Redistribution consultation process. View the comments lodged in receipt order.

Redistribution is a whole-of-state process. The Electoral Districts Redistribution Panel’s primary task is to distribute the enrolled electors evenly across New South Wales and comments on suggestions about individual electoral districts must be balanced with this goal.

It is a preference of the Redistribution Panel that comments on suggestions contain alternative solutions rather than criticism.

Anybody, including individuals, groups or organisations can make a written comment on a suggestion that has been made to and published by the Redistribution Panel relating to the distribution of New South Wales into electoral districts.

Example comments

Some examples of topics that might be commented on include:

  • The reallocation of electors between districts by submitter X assumed projected population/enrolment changes that were in error. More correctly the locality will require reallocation in the following manner…

  • A boundary proposed by submitter Y cuts through a particular community and separates them from their social or cultural facilities. The alternative should be...

  • Submitter Z suggested a name for a current, new or changed electoral district that is not reflective of the community view. It should remain as existing…or…should be changed because of...

If you are able to demonstrate a level of community support for your comments, this could also assist the Redistribution Panel in its decision-making processes.

Comment publication

Any comments on suggestions received will be published on this website for public inspection.

How to make a comment