2024 NSW Local Government elections: Council update No.7
27 June 2024
On this page
1. Preparation and confirmation of non-residential electoral rolls
Under the Local Government Act 1993, all non-resident owners, occupiers and ratepaying lessees of rateable land in each local government area are eligible to vote at council elections. These electors are referred to as ‘non-residential’ electors.
There are two non-residential rolls:
- the roll of non-resident owners of rateable land, and
- the roll of occupiers and rate-paying lessees.
Councils must ensure that non-residential electors eligible to vote at their elections can do so.
Councils should provide information on their website, including eligibility criteria and the process for making a claim for inclusion on the non-residential rolls on their websites.
Councils are requested to make their customer service staff aware of the non-residential rolls process so they can assist any person wishing to make a claim for inclusion on the rolls. A useful factsheet to assist council staff is available on our website.
The non-residential rolls must include the names of the persons who:
- have applied, at any time, for the inclusion of their name on the relevant roll, and
- on the closing date (40 days prior to the election) are, in the opinion of the general manager, qualified for inclusion in that roll.
Council general managers must finalise the non-residential rolls by 6pm on Monday, 5 August 2024 (being the closing date).
The general manager must certify each roll as being, in the general manager’s opinion, a roll of the persons who on the closing date are qualified for inclusion in the roll. The NSW Electoral Commissioner must confirm the non-residential rolls after they are certified by the general manager.
2. Non-residential roll management system
To assist councils in submitting their list of non-residential electors, we will soon make access available to the Non-residential roll management system.
This portal enables councils to enter the details of their accepted non-residential electors directly into the management system. The system will in turn conduct initial checks of the electors’ enrolment status.
Councils have been asked to provide us with contact details of an officer at council to access the system. If you have not already done so, please provide the details by email to nrr.rolls@elections.nsw.gov.au so we may send the officer further instructions.
3. Councils receiving nominations
Where a returning office for the September elections is not located within your local government area, we request your assistance with the receipt of nominations at your local council offices.
We would like to ask councils to receive nominations through the lodgement period, Monday, 5 August 2024 to 12 noon Wednesday, 14 August 2024. This would require council staff to accept the nomination forms, receive the $125 nomination deposit and issue candidates with a receipt for the payment. The nomination forms will then be scanned and sent to the Returning Officer. Council staff will not be required to review or process these nomination forms.
Councils willing to receive nominations are requested to email councilelections@elections.nsw.gov.au with the below details:
- one council venue for candidates to lodge nominations in person,
- the address of the venue, and the expected hours of operation during the lodgement period
- details of the administration staff member who will be responsible for receiving nominations (name, phone, and email address).
Further details and training will be provided to the nominated councils closer to the lodgement period.
4. Voter FAQs
For enquiries directed to the council by the public, we have published a list of frequently asked questions for voters on our website.
5. Council information and resources
A reminder that we have a council information page on our website for the 2024 NSW Local Government elections. Councils are encouraged to visit the page regularly for updates and resources.
If you have any questions about the elections, or the contents of this update, please email councilelections@elections.nsw.gov.au.