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Northern Tablelands State by-election bulletin No.5

Bulletin No.5
Issued 12 July 2024

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The Electoral Commissioner has declared the result for the Legislative Assembly by-election for Northern Tablelands. The election results are available on the NSW Electoral Commission’s website.

Return of the writ

The Electoral Commissioner has endorsed the name of the elected candidate on the writ for the election. The Commissioner returned the writ to the  Speaker of the Legislative Assembly on Wednesday, 10 July 2024. 

Return of nomination deposit

The nomination deposit will be returned for all candidates at the by-election, as either  :

  • the candidate was elected to the Legislative Assembly, or
  • the candidate received at least four per cent of the total number of formal first preference votes.

The deposit is returned to:

  • the registered officer of the party (if the candidate was nominated by a registered political party), or
  • in any other case, the candidate (or a person authorised by the candidate in writing to receive it).

We will contact the registered officer or candidate about processing the nomination deposit return. Should you have any questions regarding the return of a nomination deposit please contact the Candidate Helpdesk on 1300 022 011 or email candidates@elections.nsw.gov.au.

Electoral funding and disclosure requirements

A reminder that political participants must be familiar with the rules that apply to political donations and electoral expenditure. Fact sheets that summarise the electoral funding requirements for political parties, candidates and third-party campaigners are available on our website.

Disclosure of political donations and electoral expenditure 

All candidates who participated in the Northern Tablelands State by-election also have disclosure obligations for the 2024/25 financial year as provided by section 9(4) of the Electoral Funding Act 2018

A disclosure is the reporting of information to the NSW Electoral Commission related to:

  • political donations received and made, and electoral expenditure incurred by parties, candidates and associated entities,
  • reportable political donations made by major political donors.

The following disclosure periods and due dates apply to all candidates and elected members:

  • half-yearly disclosures of political donations
    • Donations from 1 January to 30 June 2024 – Disclosure is due by 12 August 2024
    • Donations from 1 July to 30 December 2024 – Disclosure is due 11 February 2025
  • annual disclosures of electoral expenditure
    • Expenditure between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024 – Disclosure is due by 23 September 2024
    • Expenditure between 1 July 2024 and 30 June 2025 – Disclosure is due by 22 September 2025

A disclosure is required for each of the above periods for all candidates and elected members. If there were no donations made and received or no electoral expenditure incurred during any of the above periods, a ‘nil’ disclosure is still required to be lodged. 

Donors must also complete annual disclosures of reportable political donations made (for major political donors only):

  • Donations made between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024 – Disclosure is due by 12 August 2024

Disclosures can be made using Funding and Disclosure Online by following the instructions on entering data and completing a disclosure form. Information to be disclosed can be entered at any time from the start of the disclosure period until the disclosure lodgement.

Disclosures are made in a declaration containing a statement that all that is required to be disclosed has been disclosed. Penalties apply (including fines and prosecution) for failing to submit a disclosure by the deadline, making a false statement or making an incomplete disclosure without a reasonable excuse. Disclosure obligations apply even if no political donations were made or received, or if no electoral expenditure was incurred, and regardless of whether you are elected.

For more information on disclosures, go to our website. 

Public funding reimbursement from the Election Campaigns Fund

The NSW Electoral Commission will contact candidates eligible to make claims from the Election Campaigns Fund. For more information about the Election Campaigns Fund go to our website.