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Get Vote Fit, Be Vote Ready

NSW State election Saturday, 23 March 2019

NSW Electoral Commissioner John Schmidt today announced he had received writs from His Excellency, General the Honourable David Hurley, AC, DSC (Ret’d), Governor of New South Wales, for the election of 93 members of the Legislative Assembly and 21 members of the Legislative Council.
“The issuing of the writs formalises the election process, so it’s a very important reminder for people to plan their vote for the NSW State election which is less than three weeks away.
“The details of voting centres open on election day are available on the NSW Electoral Commission website at elections.nsw.gov.au.” 
Mr Schmidt said electors who might not be able to vote on election day may be eligible for other voting options.
“These include voting at an early voting centre, postal voting and iVote online and telephone voting,” he said.
Mr Schmidt said voting is compulsory for all enrolled electors and the fine for not voting is $55.
“Voters can subscribe to the NSW Electoral Commission’s free election reminder service which will help remind them when they need to vote at a NSW State or local government election.”

For more information, call 1300 135 736 or go to elections.nsw.gov.au.

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