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Election day voting: Kempsey, Shellharbour Ward A and Singleton council elections

Voters are reminded that election day for the Kempsey, Shellharbour Ward A and Singleton council elections is tomorrow, Saturday 30 July.

Pre-poll voting (early voting) closes today, Friday 29 July, at 5pm. Pre-poll voting locations for each council area can be found on our website:

On election day polling places will be open between 8am and 6pm. Polling places for each council area can be found on our website:

The NSW Electoral Commissioner John Schmidt said voting is compulsory for all residents enrolled in these council areas. He reminds Shellharbour voters that this only includes enrolled residents in Ward A in the Shellharbour City Council area.

“I encourage anyone unsure about whether they are required to vote in these elections to check where they are enrolled, or to use the ‘Find My Electorate’ function on the NSW Electoral Commission website.”

Mr Schmidt said electors who are voting by post must ensure their vote is completed by 6pm on election day Saturday, 30 July, and returned to the NSW Electoral Commission by 6pm Friday, August 12.

“Postal votes received by the NSW Electoral Commission after 6pm on Friday, August 12 cannot be counted.” Post your vote as soon as possible to allow for Australia Post delivery periods.

Mr Schmidt said all enrolled voters in these council areas were sent an election brochure in the mail.

“The election brochure explains why the elections are being held, voting options, assistance for voters and additional information about the elections that can be found on our website. If you haven’t received a brochure you’ll find all the important election information on our website, he said.

Translated information about these elections is available at on our website and Auslan interpreters will be available on election day from 8am to 6pm, via Skype at: NSWelections Auslan.

“Voters who need assistance in a language other than English can call us via the National Translating and Interpreting Service on 13 14 50 and ask them to call the NSW Electoral Commission on 1300 135 736,” Mr Schmidt said.

Media note: Pre-election metrics for postal voting and pre-poll figures can be found here:

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