The Declaration of Results will be made as soon as practicable following the recount request deadline, which falls 24 hours after the distribution of preference (DoP). A copy of the Declaration of Results will be forwarded to the council’s General Manager who will make it available for public display.
The locations and the expected commencement date/time of each contest's DoP will be published on the NSW Electoral Commission’s website. The DoPs can only be conducted after the close of receipt of postal votes which is Friday 27 September 2024. It is anticipated the DoPs will be conducted the week commencing Monday 30 September 2024. It will take approximately 3 days to complete the DoPs for all contests.
Where a recount has been requested prior to the deadline, the Declaration of Results will be delayed until that request is finally determined, including until after the completion of any recount to be undertaken by the Returning Officer.